Licensed Customs Brokers vs. Freight Forwarders

Licensed Customs Brokers vs. Freight Forwarders

The logistics industry is filled with jargon, acronyms, and multiple terms for similar services. In the past, we’ve helped by clearing up confusion around NVOCCs and freight forwarders. Today, we’re breaking down key differences between licensed customs brokers and...
This Year In Logistics: 2021

This Year In Logistics: 2021

As 2021 draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to take a deep breath and reflect on the peaks and valleys of the past year. Our team has collected some of the biggest headlines and developments in logistics news from 2021. As always, we have our finger on the pulse...
New Regulations

New Regulations

New RegulationsJun 2, 2020 Ratified by Canada on March 13, 2020, the USMCA will go into effect on July 1st after the parties develop uniform regulations for implementation. As many companies have been quick to dismiss the USMCA as just a new NAFTA, there are several...
Southern Border Update

Southern Border Update

Southern Border Update Mexico needs to align startup with U.S., other trade partners automotive supply chains As the U.S. debates how and when to reopen its economy, our large trading partner on the southern border is watching closely. It has been reported that Mexico...
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year For most of 2019, the labor shortage has worsened. With ever increasing e-commerce sales and unemployment at the lowest rates in recent history, the labor gap has only widened over the course of the year. The increase in labor demand continues to...
Transition to Electrical Vehicles

Transition to Electrical Vehicles

Transition to Electrical Vehicles For most of 2019, the labor shortage has worsened. With ever increasing e-commerce sales and unemployment at the lowest rates in recent history, the labor gap has only widened over the course of the year. The increase in labor demand...
Deadline for Low-Sulfur Fuel

Deadline for Low-Sulfur Fuel

Deadline for Low-Sulfur Fuel For most of 2019, the labor shortage has worsened. With ever increasing e-commerce sales and unemployment at the lowest rates in recent history, the labor gap has only widened over the course of the year. The increase in labor demand...
A Paperless Future in Air Cargo

A Paperless Future in Air Cargo

In a time when most industries are working to move into the digital space, the air cargo industry is beginning to have visions of a paperless future. Although the air cargo industry still largely relies on paper, the International Air Transportation Association (IATA)...
Looking to 2018 With TOC

Looking to 2018 With TOC

After touching on the industry highlights of 2017, we wanted to turn our gaze forward and focus on the factors that will be affecting the shipping industry throughout 2018. While the events of last year will continue to change the way the industry functions, it’s...

2017 Industry Highlights

As with every year, the holidays and end of the year activities, like the Chinese New Year, have meant low quarters for everyone in the shipping industry. But while Q1 is usually the lowest quarter of the year, 2017 was a productive albeit challenging year. The...